10 Excellent Balance Exercises To Improve Core Strength

10 Excellent Balance Exercises To Improve Core Strength

These Excellent balance exercises are important to improve core strength. This is because being in a standing position without wobbling is your body’s natural posture when standing. It also helps with weight loss as well as healthy lifestyles by keeping your body strong and fit, try these 10 balance exercises with proper form.

Balance Exercises To Improve Core Strength

You will have better health and appearance, much more energy, and increased self-esteem just by getting off the couch or out of bed to try some simple techniques. The following are some great exercises that target the core and help build strong muscles.

1. Ascend And Descend The Staircase

Ascend And Descend The Staircase

How To Do

  1. Hold the railing on a short staircase to keep it from tripping.
  2. Step up with your stronger leg first and then follow with your weaker leg on the first step.
  3. Climb up the stairs, turn around, and descend with your weaker leg first.
  4. Keep your abs tight, shoulders down, and knees over the centers of your feet. Keep your butt muscles engaged so you don’t roll in with your knees.

Sets And Reps

2 sets of 3 repetitions going up, then down.

2. Sumo Squat

Sumo Squat

How To Do

  1. Put your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and stand up straight.
  2. Keep your shoulders back and down, your chin slightly tucked in, and your spine long.
  3. Turn your legs out from your hips and squeeze your glutes. Feel your inner thighs rotating forward and outer thighs rotating back, with weight on your big toe, little toe, and heel. Do not roll in on your feet.
  4. Bend your knees down and make sure your knees align over your middle toes. Bend until your thighs are parallel to the floor if you can do so without pain. Make sure your knees don’t point past your toes; keep your knees aligned over your ankles.
  5. Hold this pose for 3 seconds, then switch to the other side.
  6. Stand up by straightening your legs, and squeezing your glutes and inner thighs.

Sets And Reps

Do three sets of ten repetitions each day.

3. Small Vertical Jumps

Small Vertical Jumps

How To Do

  1. Grab the back of a stable chair, or hold onto a stall bar.
  2. Stand tall with your shoulders back, chest open and abs engaged.
  3. Let your belly relax, and let your shoulders drop down.
  4. Hop and jump from your feet to your hands.
  5. Land softly on the balls of your feet first, then gradually shift weight to your heels. Keep your knees pointed straight ahead and don’t allow them to roll inward.

Sets And Reps

3 sets of 10 reps

3. Walking In A Straight Line

How To Do

  1. The physical therapist will place arrows on the floor to guide your walking path.
  2. Walk straight by stepping on the arrows and putting your hands across your chest.
  3. Keep your shoulders back and down, your abdominals tight, and stand up straight.

Sets And Reps

3 sets of 2 repetitions

4. Standing Between Parallel Bars

Standing Between Parallel Bars

How To Do

  1. Stand with your arms straight and parallel to the ground, palms facing each other.
  2. Step forward with one foot, keeping your shoulders down and core tight, and then sway your hips from side to side.
  3. Repeat the following 10 times, then sway backward and forward.
  4. Do this 10 times and then sway.

Sets And Reps

Do 3 sets of 3 repetitions.

5. Kneeling To Standing

Kneeling To Standing

How To Do

  1. Get on all fours, with your hands beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips. Your physical therapist will stand behind you.
  2. Keep your right foot in front of you and your right knee bent over your ankle. Or place one palm on the chair, and get into a sitting lunge position.
  3. Slowly use your body’s strength and the assistance of your physical therapist to get into a standing position. Keep your knees from rolling in or out; press into your feet and use your glutes to stand up. Keep your core tight, posture tall, and shoulders tall.
  4. Your physical therapist will help you lower into the kneeling position again, making sure your torso and knees don’t wobble. Repeat this movement until you have mastered it.

Sets And Reps

2 sets of 2 repetitions per set

6. Supine On Mat Or Bed

Supine On Mat Or Bed

How To Do

Lie down on your back on a mat or your bed. Bend your knees and bring them close to your chest by putting your hands around your shins or behind your thighs.

Roll over to your right side and hold for two seconds, then roll back to the starting position.

Roll your body to the left, hold for two seconds, and then roll back to the starting position.

It is best not to do this exercise if you have recently had knee surgery.

Sets And Reps

Do 2 sets of 5 repetitions per set.

7. 2-Point Stance On Mat Or Bed (Bird Dog)

2-Point Stance On Mat Or Bed (Bird Dog)

How To Do

  1. Get into a hands and knees position (hands under shoulders, knees under hips, back straight).
  2. Bring your left hand up and forward, extending it toward the ceiling. Point your thumb upward toward the ceiling. Keep your shoulder down and arm at shoulder height.
  3. Lift your right knee off the mat, extend your right leg behind you, and pull in your abdominals. Squeeze your glute, and don’t arch your lower back while you do this exercise.
  4. Keep your torso, shoulders, and hips steady by contracting your abs, pulling your shoulders down, and squeezing your glutes. Press down into the hand on the mat to help stabilize your shoulder down.
  5. Hold this pose for five to ten seconds.

Sets And Reps

3 sets of 2 reps

8. 3-Point Stance On Mat Or Bed

3-Point Stance On Mat Or Bed

How To Do

Get down on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

Lift your left leg, extend it backward in line with your hip, and keep it straight. Don’t wiggle, lean forward, or arch your lower back. Squeeze your abdominals, pull down your shoulders and contract your glutes to brace yourself.

Hold this position for 5-10 seconds.

Sets And Reps

Three sets of three repetitions

9. 4-Point Stance On Mat Or Bed

4-Point Stance On Mat Or Bed

How To Do

  1. Lie down on the mat or your bed.
  2. Roll over to your right, and then get into a prone position on your stomach.
  3. Clench your fists, bend your elbows and knees, and use your arm strength to lift your upper body and then your torso.
  4. Get down on all fours with hands under shoulders, knees under hips, back flat and shoulders pulled down so that abdominals are pulled in.
  5. Hold this pose for 10 seconds before lowering slowly and resting in a calm pose.


You might get some assistance from a physical therapist while you hold the pose for 10 seconds. This will prevent any neck strain or strain on your spinal muscles.

Sets And Reps

2-3 sets of 10 seconds hold

10. Assisted Kneeling

Assisted Kneeling

How To Do

  1. Get down on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders, knees under your hips, and back flat.
  2. Your physical therapist will place a gym ball at your feet. Put your right hand on it.
  3. After you are comfortable, place your left hand on the ball and slowly raise your torso.
  4. To get into a kneeling position, get on your knees.
  5. Your physical therapist will help you to stabilize your shoulders and back if you are experiencing pain. Pull your shoulders down, and your abs in, and engage your back muscles.
  6. Hold this pose for a count of twenty.

Sets And Reps

Two sets of three repetitions each


This article will show you some excellent balance exercises to improve core strength. It helps your body tissues work together more efficiently to support your movements, which in turn gives you better posture and a feeling of powerful control over your body.

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